Clinical Services


On-Site Counseling

Following initial needs assessment of consumers who are recommended for psychotherapy, consultant will provide a clinical recommendation. Frequency and duration to be determined by the client based on that recommendation. 

Areas of therapeutic expertise: 

  • Grief and coping 

  • Chronic criminal thought patterns and relapse prevention during reentry

  • 12-Step Recovery Model

  • Exploring roots and triggers to manage maladaptive behaviors & decisions

  • Trauma-informed anger management 

  • Effective communication and boundary setting 

  • Stress management 

  • Identifying unhealthy relationships

  • Maintaining healthy relationships 

  • Self-esteem

Virtual counseling available

On-Site Case Management

Assists consumers (youth, families, program clients) in goal setting, goal achievement and troubleshooting when facing issues such as homelessness, unemployment, mental health, family dynamics, reentry from incarceration and/or school suspension, pregnancy services and more.

This service teaches consumers how to navigate various macro-level systems such as DCPP, Performcare, welfare, JJC, probation, parole, the courts, One Stop Employment Center etc. 

Available to train on-site case managers in best practices.

Virtual case management available


Specialty Workshops

Topics are determined based on the need identified as essential to programmatic success and/or the growth and development of consumers. Workshops can occur one time but also be conducted several times with different groups and/or be developed as a 6-12 weeks series.

Popular workshop topics include:

  • Grief

  • Activism & Social Justice

  • Music

  • Black history

  • Current events

  • Team building

  • Communication

  • Writer’s Workshop

  • Theater

Sessions can be 60 minutes (Workshop), 90 minutes (Learning Lab) or 3 hours (Super Session) and serve 12-15 consumers at a time.

Virtual platforms available


Therapeutic Groups & Life Skills Classes

Uses Seeds & Berries’ original curriculum in the following areas:

  • Gang prevention & intervention

  • Using leadership to avoid recidivism

  • Toxic thinking & triggers

  • Love

  • Identity Development

  • Job Readiness

  • Driver’s Ed for permit exam preparation

  • Peer mentoring

  • Social Emotional Theater

  • Reflection of self

  • Criminal relapse prevention

  • 12-Step Recovery Model

  • Impact of music on mood, thinking, decisions

Sessions use a variety of engagement strategies to meet diverse learning styles (media, music, art, peer to peer, visual stimuli, role playing, poetry). 

Groups and classes range from 6-12 weeks for 1-1.5 hours and serve 10-12 consumers at a time.

Virtual platforms available

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Service Learning

A series of classes which help consumers design, plan and execute a community-based Service Learning project using a framework created by Seeds & Berries being guided by the following steps:

  1. What is Service Learning?

  2. Identify a problem in your community

  3. Develop a project to address it

  4. Execute project with the guidance of Consultant

Project activities often include creating budgets, writing emails, visiting local stakeholders, writing phone scripts to call external partners, doing online research, writing press releases for media exposure and more.

Optional add-on: Social media content creation to cross-promote service learning initiatives.


Social Work Intern Supervision 

Consultant is credentialed to act as a social work field supervisor and takes the growth and learning of student interns seriously! Alia Berry is also well known and respected with both the BSW and MSW Field Offices at Rutgers University, Newark.

This service provides the following oversight for interns completing program fieldwork:

  • Conducts the required weekly supervision sessions (documented)

  • Collaborates with program task supervisor

  • Observes interns interfacing with consumers

  • Hosts School Liaison during site visit 

  • Completes supervisory feedback on interns’ school assignments

“Ms. Berry has made a big impact on my life. She helped me transform and grow into the new young lady I am today. We had the chance to uncover layers of trauma that helped reveal strength I never imagined I could possess. I am mentally in a better place with a more mature state of mind. I am physically calm and I am now able to help others where I needed help in life...all thanks to Ms. Berry.”

- Former Student/Graduate, Current Mentee (female, age 20)